boosting personal impact
mastering your speech ∙ contributing ideas successfully
Do your listeners hang on your every word till the end?
What you need is an emotional message – if you work with us, preparing your upcoming speech, then people will understand your ideas immediately.
As soon as the required dramatic composition is build, your message will be heard and followed by everywhere.
Great ideas can be transformed into inspiring talks and engaging speeches. To master that transition, the Story Director Composition is a keydriver as also the foundation.
It works excellent with opening speeches, keynotes and talks. Whether it´s a kick-off, a team meeting, a product launch or a customer event – the audience will follow your ideas highly engaged.

• You want your speech to activate rethinking instead short term applause
• You have to present upcoming changes in a positive way
• You are still struggling to transfer your superiority from an one to one conversation to the stage
• You would love to act more flexible and speak more composed while presenting
• Your words shall make a difference with others instead of being forgotten
• You are obliged to speak more frequently to others because of your new position or responsibility
• You are looking for an objective feedback from an external communication expert and professional keynote speaker
• You are looking for a repeatable process, to transform your ideas into an inspiring keynote speech
• You want your key messages not only to be heard, but also to implemented
„Maximilian Bormann has enabled me to light the audience for my topic. For anyone who speaks in front of an audience to win others over for their ideas, that’s priceless.“
First we listen to your challenges and upcoming speech. Together we identify your key messages while we eliminate all the noise that would distract your audience. Next we deliver dramaturgical insights on how to boost your personal impact on your listeners.
Every time we do this, something special happens.
You`’ll experience it to. The breakthrough is kind of magical every single time. Your personal script is in front of you – the made to measure dramaturgy for your speech. You now know that your words matter and you start smiling, while realizing what kind of impact you can have on people.
Suddenly, all the communication – to do´s are no longer a chore. You enter every stage happily and speaking feels more natural than ever before.
Best of all: your ideas will bear fruit quickly – sceptics turn into advocates, listeners transform into implementers and your message will be shared in a way, you couldn´t think of before.
„For my first big talk that I had to give … I felt that even after working on it, structuring it, restructuring it, fine tuning it, month after month with Maximilian, I was still very insecure about my progress, until I gave the talk. Which was a great success. I actually got a standing ovation. It was a grand slam.“
• An in depth understanding of the Story Director dramaturgy
• A concrete structure of your speech and the script for a superior performance
• An unique story that reduces resistance and fosters connection
• The central theme – so you can relinquish technical tools while acting naturally on stage
• Successful communication strategies to strengthen your ideas and substantiate your message
• Weekly support to eradicate mistakes and backup your progress
• A single key-message, that connects all your content (data, facts, numbers, story, etc.)
• to your meaningful idea in a way, that is easily understood
• your final speech that is thought provoking and will spur listeners into action